Thanks Elad!
You have a good point. One thing to keep in mind is that Google is still experimenting with this feature — they need to figure out the right way to make the right beacons easily accesible to you when you need them, while not flooding you with notifications about irrelevant beacons or letting advertisers exploit this platform.
Right now, the iOS setup is really not for the average user. On the other hand, Android does display an opt-in notification the first time you are around a Physical Web beacon (as part of Nearby), so this is much easier for users to discover and operate.
A few weeks ago, I conducted a small experiment in our BlackBerry office, broadcasting my personal blog address using the Physical Web. Minutes later, two random people who got the notification on their Android device approached me and asked me how I did this “magic”. It was their first experience with the Physical Web, and they didn’t have to do anything special to receive the notification — it just worked for them.
So as you say, I also hope that the seamless Physical Web discovery experience will come to iOS too, one day…